WaterDAO is a decentralized platform for certifying water sources and issuing water credits.

We sit at the intersection of water and web3.


Our mission is to create transparency
around sources of water,
how they are generated and
establish a water credit classification system.


WaterDAO is a decentralized, web-3 based autonomous organization for certifying water generation and issuing water credits.

WaterDAO is comprised of water experts, technologists, engineers and advocates working towards a resilient water system.

The purpose of WaterDAO is to classify and certify new sources of water in a transparent information system according to their beneficial attributes.

This ensures the generation of additional water has an established framework and can be properly valued, evaluated and verified.

100% of proceeds go towards research for further promoting water system sustainability, security and resiliency.

waterDAO Dandelion

How it works

RH2O stands for Regenerative Water. It is a digital water contract representing the beneficial attributes of regenerative water sources.

Every RH2O water contract represents one cubic meter (1 m3) of water and certifies that the water was generated by a qualified water generating facility.

RH2O can only be created when a unit of qualified water is produced and every RH2O contract is backed by its corresponding unit of water.

Any holder of RH2O is the verified owner of the beneficial attributes of that unit of water and can use the contract as a water credit, similar to a renewable energy certificate (REC), in order to offset water from the water utility.

RH2O exists in one of two states; active or retired. An active contract can be transferred, traded or sold, however, once it is used to offset water it is permanently retired and recorded on the Regen blockchain.

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Autonomous governance of WaterDAO is achieved through proposals.

Proposals are generated by the WaterDAO committee in order to encourage and reward the WaterDAO community for participation and to create a network of experts to evaluate water projects.

RH2O is rewarded for various tasks necessary to sustain the WaterDAO platform.

RH2O is also rewarded to developers who submit proposal for water projects and are accepted by the WaterDAO committee.